About Us

Watch our 2023 team video below to learn more about the Baja 1000, the team, and our motto of “Racing with a Purpose”.

Sponsorship opportunities are available! Contributions will benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Houston/Galveston. To learn more download our sponsorship form or visit our sponsorship page online.

Our Mission

Baja Goats is a self funded racing team with a motto of “Racing with a Purpose”. Our purpose is to raise $100,000 for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Great Houston and Galveston so they may provide medical services to underserved children in the healthcare “deserts” of the area.

Our Team

Family and friends from the US, Puerto Rico & Mexico come together to drive, fix, fuel, feed, and cheer each other on. None of us are racing professionals but we are all hard-working goats learning the craft and striving to succeed together.

Our Car

Named after the legendary mayor of Lajitas, TX, our car, Clay Henry, Jr., is a class 1/2 1600 off-road racer with a custom engine, suspension, transmission, and all kinds of other neat gadgets meant to keep us on track and safe throughout our races.